A Little Research Completed

Ok, a few hours of research later and I have some comments.  I am still learning some things but everything I have learned makes me feel this was a BIGGG error for the McCain campaign.

My friend LRNs had a blog post about it this evening.

I’ll try to address his points and some others I’ve come upon.

1.  “This is a direct shot at getting the Democratic base and undecided Clinton supporters.” -LRNs

  • Why?  Gov. Palin is about as conservative as they come.  She is a HUGE supporter of the anti-choice movement.  She wants to DRILL, DRILL, DRILL in Anwar.  She is for the Iraq war.  What here is something that the base or Clinton supporters want?

2.  “I’m unimpressed with both VP picks.” – LRNs

  • His reasoning?  Palin is conservative with little experience.  Biden runs off at the mouth.  Uh….which one is worse for the country?  I’d say the answer is rhetorical.  And the two aren’t even mildly comparable.

3.  Her inexperience on the national stage.

  • Yes, she is a governor.  Yes, she has only a few years less experience in politics than Obama.  But where was that experience?  Mayor of a small town in Alaska, which seems to have, as it’s claim to fame, the most sales of duct tape at the local WalMart.  She also has less than two years as governor of Alaska.  This is NOT the same thing as being a U.S. Senator.  Particularly when she says things like this:
Alaska Business Monthly: We’ve lost a lot of Alaska’s military members to the war in Iraq. How do you feel about sending more troops into battle, as President Bush is suggesting?
Palin: I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place; I want assurances that we are doing all we can to keep our troops safe. Every life lost is such a tragedy.

4.  This is historic.

  • Uh, no.  1984 was historic.  Geraldine Ferro was historic.  This isn’t a stunt but it isn’t historic.  This is a shot at shoring up the base, not getting Democrat or Clinton voters.  The PUMA concept is a joke.  They say there are millions of them, but can’t produce even hundreds.  Sure there are people who are bitter about Clinton losing, but they aren’t going to vote for Obama anyway.  The best we can hope is that they stay home…or live in NJ.

This is going to be an interesting few months.  But I have a feeling that the McCain campaign didn’t vet this choice enough and it is going to blow up in their faces.

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4 Comments on “A Little Research Completed”

  1. LRNs Says:

    The reason I think it’s a shot is because there’s this strange (unexplainable) block of Clinton supporters who have been given yet another reason to vote McCain. Yes, it’s about the “glass ceiling.” But it’s also about them not liking Obama for completely illogical reasons.

    And it is historic. There will either be a black man as Pres or a Woman as VP. That’s something.

    I think it’s a shrewd pick. It’s one of those “all in” kinda calls.

  2. nothingknew Says:

    I still disagree with the historic part. When the election occurs there will be a black president or a woman VP. At that point something historic will have happened. Right now there is a black presidential candidate (historic) and a woman VP candidate (not historic).

    As James Carville just said on CNN (and I am paraphrasing) “There were 18 million voters for Clinton but I doubt you’ll find 18 of them willing to vote for McCain.” He may be reaching with the percentage but I defy someone to find a viable voting block that is going to turn the election using only former Clinton voters. The PUMAs aren’t as numerous as the media would have you believe.

    I see this more as a “hail Mary” kind of call (since we are using sports metaphors). McCain was obviously worried about his base and needed to shore it up. This does nothing to handle the politics of change. But that is another post.

    (Most) People aren’t stupid and aren’t going to vote based on their chromosomes or their skin tone. I have more faith in America than that. Which is why I am a Democrat and not a Republican.

  3. LRNs Says:

    As always, I like reading your prospective on things. Good points. And yes, my lack of enthusiasm for either VP pick isn’t equal. Biden may talk stupid, but we could do a lot worse…wait, we already have.

    In fact the only thing you’ve said that I really disagree with is “(Most) People aren’t stupid.” I’ve seen no evidence to back this statement up. Lately, I think most people are complete morons. Most (barely) elected Bush TWICE! Most of our leadership followed Bush off the cliff known as Iraq. This is the behavior of sheep or lemmings. I’ve met plenty of idiots who would vote based on chromosomes and/or skin tone.

  4. nothingknew Says:

    I have faith in the US electorate. Faith doesn’t require evidence. The entire Christian Right is evidence of this.

    Don’t you love circular arguments?

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